How to resolve the issue of Quasar V2 project lacking Intellisense in VS Code?

Install the following VS Code extensions.

Open the Quasar project and create a new file named quasar.d.ts in the src directory.

If you are working with Quasar CLI with Vite, add the following content into the quasar.d.ts file.

/// <reference types="@quasar/app-vite" />

If you are working with Quasar CLI with Webpack, add the following content into the quasar.d.ts file.

/// <reference types="@quasar/app-webpack" />

Restart VS Code and the Intellisense should work fine.

How to resolve the issue of Quasar V2 project lacking Intellisense in VS Code? 有 “ 2 則迴響 ”

  1. Thanks a lot, this is really helpful!

    It worked for me even without installing “TypeScript Vue Plugin (Volar)”.
